KwaZulu-Natal premier commits to curb cross-border crime

KwaZulu-Natal government will intensify measures to fight crime including curbing cross-border crime between South Africa and Mozambique.

This is according to KwaZulu-Natal premier Nomusa Dube-Ncube, who was speaking at the funeral of slain UMhlabuyalingana Society Against Crime chairperson Judah Mthethwa.

Mthethwa was shot dead last week at his home in Manguzi.

He was at the forefront of the fight against cross-border crime and championed the cause of active citizenry in the uMkhanyakude district and the province at large.

Dube-Ncube said her government is combining resources to address vehicle theft, cross-border crimes, and crime in general.

“We must not let Judah Mthethwa’s death be in vain. We must honour his memory by continuing the work that he and his crime-fighting organisation had started,” she said.

Dube-Ncube said the rampant vehicle theft in the uMkhanyakude district has prompted the provincial government to make a number of interventions in the area.

These include the upgrading Manguzi police station, increasing police vehicles, opening a mobile police station in the Skhemelele area, and increasing police deployment.

She assured mourners and the community that her government will continue to work with them to fight crime and in dismantling vehicle-theft syndicates.

“We must continue to work together in rooting out the criminal elements in our communities,” the premier said.

“The government will play its part and we urge the people of uMkhanyakude to work with us to ensure that the perpetrators of cross-border crimes and the heinous murder of Judah Mthethwa are brought to book.”

Police Minister Bheki Cele also attended the funeral, as well as Water and Sanitation Minister Senzo Mchunu.

Other politicians who were in attendance are Deputy Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition Nomalungelo Gina, MEC for finance Neliswa Peggy Nkonyeni and uMkhanyakude mayor Siphile Mdaka. –

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