Possible hit list causes panic among Zulu royals

AmaZulu king MisuZulu kaZwelithini’s sympathisers believe there was a hit list circulating targeting those who are seen to be his staunch supporters.

They say law enforcement agencies should be roped in to conduct a threat analysis to curtail any possible assassination.

The call emerged this week as the AmaZulu royal family were mourning what appeared to have been a planned hit on one of the senior royal family members and key confidante to king MisuZulu, Prince Mbongiseni Muntukaphiwana Zulu, who was ambushed and shot dead.

“There’s a general feeling in the royal house, especially among the princes and princesses, that intelligence on the ground should be activated to prevent any further assassinations. We are also of a view that a security threat analysis should be conducted to assess their
level of safety,” one royal insider sympathetic to King MisuZulu told Sunday World.

Another insider said apart from the death of Prince Mbongiseni, the other emerging issue that had caused anxiety among those close to the king was that the assassins had not been caught. “There is a strong belief that there is a hit list and with the killers still on the loose, who knows what they are up to.

“Hitmen do not rest until they find who they are contracted to kill. I believe that we are not dealing with amateurs here, but professional killers who might not even be from this province or even South Africa. So, the threats are serious, and we can’t be casual about it because nobody knows who is next on their list,” he lamented.

Dr Zakhele Shamase, a lecturer and contemporary history expert, has warned that while it would be convenient for anyone to associate the killings to the contentious throne, the feud could be motivated by who will succeed Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi in the powerful position of being uNdunankulu KaZulu (prime minister to the monarch and the AmaZulu nation).

“People within the inner circle of the king are jostling to be given the position of prime minister. The prince who was killed wielded massive influence and was too close to the king and he would have had a say on who replaces uMntwana (Prince Buthelezi)”.

While Prince Africa Zulu of the Onkweni Royal House was believed to be in the running for the position because of his proximity to king MisuZulu and their history when they were young boys, his chances were dashed following a tiff with Prince Buthelezi and MisuZulu.

Other names include Prince Mthokozisi Mahlobo, a cousin born to King Zwelithini’s sister Princess Nozipho Zulu.

Asked whether they were conducting any threats analysis to those close to AmaZulu king, national police ministry spokesperson Brigadier Atlenda Mathe said: “We don’t discuss security-related matters in the public domain.”

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