Preggies deputy minister keeps details close to vest

Deputy Minister in the Presidency Nonceba Mhlauli has a bun in the oven and is on cloud nine about it.

News that Mhlauli has swallowed a watermelon seed came to the fore when she threw a
baby shower last weekend.

Guests who attended the knee up included ANC first deputy secretary Nomvula Mokonyane, ANC national executive committee (NEC)  member and former Ekurhuleni mayor Mzwandile Masina, President Cyril Ramaphosa’s former spin doctor Khusela Diko, and spokesperson for Minister of International Relations Ronald Lamola, Chrispin Phiri.

A source who did not want to be identified for fear of reprisal said Mhlauli, an ANC NEC member, is about  eight months pregnant.

The source said Mhlauli told them she was excited and couldn’t wait to give birth.

Another deep throat said that although Mhlauli told the guests who graced the jamboree how joyful she was about being in the pudding club, she did not disclose the sex of the child. This despite that she had attended the ultrasound scans, and her
gynaecologist disclosed the sex of the unborn tyke to her.

The other tipster said Mhlauli also did not disclose the name of  the man who impregnated her,  saying she is a shrinking violet and prefers to keep her private life from the public eye.

“She did not want to answer any questions about her man, what he does for a living, or whether he is in politics. She also refused to answer questions about whether her man had paid damages.  She also did not reveal whether there would be an engagement, if the guy plans to pay the lobola or if he plans to walk her down the aisle.

“Even her colleagues at work have been asking questions about the identity of her man, but she just kept her mouth zipped,” said the source.

Mhlauli feigned surprise when we contacted her for comment.” What? A story on my baby shower?”

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  1. All those issues you asked are really private. This is exactly what you do when one’s family has passed on. Please stop this behaviour.


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