Richard Mdluli sentenced to five years in prison

Former Crime Intelligence boss Richard Mdluli has been sentenced to a total of five years in prison by the Joburg High Court on Tuesday.

Mdluli and his co-accused Mthembeni Mthunzi were found guilty of kidnapping, common assault and assault with intent to do previous bodily harm.

The case relates to the 1990 murder of Oupa Ramogibe who allegedly had an affair with Mdluli’s customary  wife Tshidi Buthelezi.

The duo were sentenced to three years each on three counts of  kidnapping, one year each for assault and two years each for assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. They are both appealing the sentence.

National Prosecution Authority South Gauteng spokesperson Phindi Mjonondwane said: ” The sentence serves to promote equality before the law and that the NPA, in discharging its mandate, will do so impartially, without fear or favour or having regard for one’s position or status.”


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