South Africa recalls ambassador to Israel for ‘consultation’

The South African government has withdrawn all its diplomats from Tel Aviv for “consultation” amid the ongoing war between Israel and Palestine.

This was confirmed by Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni during a media briefing on Monday on the outcomes of a cabinet meeting that took place last week.

Conduct of Israel ambassador to SA scrutinised

Ntshavheni said the cabinet has instructed the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (Dirco) to “deal” with the conduct of the ambassador of Israel to South Africa.

“Cabinet is disappointed by the refusal of the Israeli government to respect international law and the United Nations resolutions with impunity,” said Ntshavheni.

“The Mediterranean corridors remain closed due to the continuing attacks of the Gaza Strip by the Israeli government, which have increased the death toll to more than 9 500.

“The airstrikes in Gaza and on the West Bank continue to target schools, hospitals, ambulances and civilians. As previously indicated, a genocide under the watch of the international community cannot be tolerated.

“Another holocaust in the history of humankind is not acceptable. The South African government has decided to withdraw all its diplomats in Tel Aviv for consultation.”

Several countries recall ambassadors

Ntshaveni said the cabinet also noted the continuing disparaging remarks of the Israeli ambassador to South Africa about those who are opposing the atrocities and genocide of the Israeli government.

“This despite the condemnation by the previous ambassadors of Israel to South Africa, who were clear that the acts of the Israeli government are a repeat of apartheid and not different to apartheid antics.

“The position of the ambassador of Israel to South Africa is becoming very untenable.

“Cabinet has decided to instruct Dirco to take necessary measures within diplomatic channels and protocols to deal with the conduct of the ambassador of Israel to South Africa.”

Responding to questions after the media briefing, Ntshavheni said South Africa is worried about the continuous bombardment and a threat of nuclear.

We are not intimidated by Israel ambassador

“We previously indicated in our statements that the failure by the international community to hold Israel to account, and to stop the impunity and genocidal acts that the Israel government is doing to Palestine people, will mean a total collapse of the mutilateral system, and a total collapse of the global system of governance.

“A world order that does not have a multilateral system that reins in everybody is bad for the world … If the United States supports Israel to use nuclear and does not stop the bombardment by Israel of Palestinian territories, it will mean everybody will take matters in their own hands and do as they please.

“Israel is threatening the stability of the global system by its conduct against the Palestinian people. And the United States’ support of Israel is enabling Israel to threaten the global system of good governance, and that makes a global peace order sit on tenterhooks.

“That is why we decided to withdraw all our diplomats. The conduct and remarks of the ambassador [of Israel to SA] are unacceptable. He is a guest in our country and should conduct himself as a guest in our country.

“He has no right to undermine South Africans in general and the leadership of South Africa. We are not intimidated by him.”

Several countries recall ambassadors

Bolivia became the first nation to sever diplomatic ties with Israel last week over its “disproportionate” attacks in Gaza.

Other countries that have recalled their ambassadors from Israel are Honduras, Turkey, Colombia, Chile, Bahrain and Jordan.  

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