Sports committee to meet athletics body over deregistration

The parliament portfolio committee on sport, arts, and culture will meet with Athletics South Africa (ASA) following its deregistration by the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC).

The South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) will also form part of the meeting.

Joe McGluwa, the chairperson of the sport, arts and culture portfolio committee, told Sunday World that they were concerned about the situation. He said ASA had not reported any issues or challenges to them.

McGluwa’s concerns come after Sunday World this week broke a story on ASA’s deregistration by the CIPC.

Deeply concerned about developments

“The portfolio committee on sports, arts, and culture is deeply concerned about reports of [ASA] deregistration by the [CIPC] due to non-compliance. To date, parliament has not received any report regarding ASA and its challenges,” McGluwa said.

“The committee is duty-bound to hold entities accountable. And ASA must be given the opportunity to resolve its matters as soon as possible.

“I have met with the portfolio secretary to set an urgent date and time to invite ASA, SASCOC, the Department of Sport, Arts, and Culture (DSAC), and all relevant stakeholders to appear before the committee.

“This step is necessary to ensure that the interests of South African athletics clubs are protected,” he added.

On February 5 2025, the CIPC wrote to ASA, informing them of the deregistration.

CIPC confirmed deregistration

“The commission hereby informs you that in CIPC publication no. 29A, under publication no. 2025-299 of 05/02/2025, the above-mentioned company or external company was deregistered in terms of section 82(3) of the Companies Act, 2008,” the letter states in part.

SASCOC’s communications and media liaison official, Jessica Choga, said: “At this stage, we are unable to provide a response. The matters raised fall under the jurisdiction of [ASA]. SASCOC intends to meet with ASA leadership to discuss these issues and gain insight into their action plan.

“As a member of SASCOC, ASA, like all National Federations in South Africa, is governed by its own constitution. It is also governed by the SASCOC constitution. Our approach will be guided by these governing documents,” she said.

Despite this, ASA continues to operate as usual and has not responded to Sunday World media inquiries.

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