Sports MEC accused of purging IFP



THE KZN Department of Sports Arts and Culture has finally seemingly found the reason to keep Nolwazi Mbhele away from work.

Mbhele was appointed as a receptionist to MEC Mntomuhle Khawula, after the national elections.

But last month Sunday World reported allegations that, Khawula, had purged IFP members in his department and Mbhele was one of his victims.

At that time no wrongdoing had been alleged against Mbhele yet she had been instructed to stay home because allegedly there was no room for her in the department.

But IFP member Princess Phumzile Buthelezi claimed Khawula was being used by the ANC to get rid of IFP members in the department.

Trumped up

In a twist to the events, the Head of Department, Dr Thobile Sifunda, an ANC member took the matter in her hands and suspended Mbhele.

“Allegations of insubordination to instructions and the unauthorised booking and attendance of an event utilising departmental resources have arisen against you and I have decided to fully investigate the allegations of misconduct against you. To allow the investigation process to continue without any real or perceived hindrance and or influence on your part, and on the basis of the allegations against you,” read the letter of suspension Sifunda wrote to Mbhele.

Another letter, also written by Sifunda to Mbhele read: “You are being suspended in order to permit the department the opportunity to investigate the allegations of serious misconduct against you. You will be paid your normal remuneration. You are to refrain from entering the premises of the department. You are required to handover your office keys, laptop, cell phone and any tool of trade in your possession. You are to refrain from communicating with any employee of the department, any representative of the department or any of the service providers.”

But Mbhele has claimed that the charges are trumped up.

“I’ve been sitting at home from August 12 as per their instruction. I received the suspension letters on September 26. Sifunda is actually complaining about Umkhosi Womhlanga (The Reed Dance) event which was in mid-September. I attended that event in my personal capacity, not as an employee of the department but there’s more to this and I’m seeking legal advice,” she said.

The spokesperson for the department, Ntando Mnyandu, told Sunday World that: “Discussing such matters on the media or public gallery constitutes breaking the employer-employee trust and confidentiality. The matter is still receiving the attention it deserves. At this stage, as the department, we cannot divulge any information beyond this. We cannot delve into the intricacies of legal and HR processes. It would therefore be premature to guess or predict the outcome of this entire process.”


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