Former Scandal! actors Stephanie and Hungani Ndlovu have welcomed their first child.
The couple shared the news of their pregnancy journey and birth announcement on their YouTube channel on Wednesday.
Previously, the couple shared that at some point in their relationship, they suffered a miscarriage and shared the healing journey on their channel.
Stephanie said she started feeling sick and did pregnancy tests and blood tests but discovered it was negative. However, after some time, the couple discovered that it was in fact expecting.
“I feel like it was God’s timing when the gynaecologist told me she thinks I’m pregnant, I then did two tests immediately and they came back positive, and immediately we rushed to the gynaecologist,” said Stephanie.
She shared further that the first trimester of her pregnancy was scary because of fear of the unknown, especially because of the previous miscarriage.
“The journey of just going up and down and sideways was so taxing. What I love about the story is what it has done for us and to us, because [of] where we were before compared to now,” said Hungani.
The couple has not shared the gender of its newborn baby.
“Getting back into the swing of things is wholeheartedly the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, but I am trying to exercise patience and kindness with myself, being present in every moment on this new journey,” she wrote.
See the full video below:

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