Supra fingered as the brains behind the Bozwana hit

Mahumapelo and Wolmarans vehemently deny involvement.

Former North West Premier and ANC heavyweight Supra Mahumapelo, pictured, has been accused of ordering a hit on the lives of deceased businessman Wandile Bozwana and two other politicians. Former Rustenburg mayor and Member of Parliament Matthews Wolmarans was also fingered for having allegedly plotted with Mahumapelo to kill Bozwana, former Rustenburg Chief Whip Happy Serongwane and Kabelo Nonyana, a former Chief of Staff in the department of Toursim in the North West.

The two political heavyweights were said to have offered a R10m bounty to the assassins led by a known NW hitman. These details were contained in an affidavit filed with the Gauteng police’s Provincial Investigations Unit, who were at the time probing the murder case
of Bozwana.

Bozwana, a billionaire NW businessman who had public and legal run-ins with Mahumapelo, was killed in a hail of bullets in Pretoria in 2015.
Both politicians vehemently denied allegations against them and Mahumapelo threatened to spill the beans against top politicians and business people “one day at the right time. “I have always said I have no comment, Sir, on this matter and one day at the right time, I will reveal politicians and business people behind this. Not now,” said the ANC MP.
When pressed for further comment, Mahumapelo said he was aware of the affidavit and statements filed with the police but he said their intention was to tarnish his name.

“That is because some of us, our reputations have to be dealt with. I have seen those things before. I’m also aware about the statements made by people in the Northern Cape who were forced by politicians to write things.

“They are not brave enough to come out. Unlike them, if I want to say something I say it, I don’t hide. But there are these others who hide.
They can do whatever they want to do. I’m not going to change my stance,” said Mahumapelo.

The former premier confirmed that he was close to Wolmarans “like many other comrades”.

Wolmarans said he was not aware about the claims against him and said he had not been contacted by anyone with regard to the allegations.
“Every time I try to do something positive, something like this happens. If it was a joke I was going to laugh, but I know it is not. I’m just being targeted because I’m close to Chairperson Supra Mahumapelo here in parliament. I’m flabbergasted by the allegations because I know that I’m not involved in those things,” said Wolmarans.

The affidavit, dated May 30, 2016, was filed by one of the gang members who turned state witness after participating in a few of the hits allegedly ordered by the two politicians. The gang member also helped the police to successfully identify all suspects who were currently behind bars on charges of murder for killing Bozwana. Some of the suspects he identified were still walking the streets and he said he had worked with all of them on the botched hits on Serongwane and Nonyana.

He said he was told by the gang leader that the people who wanted the politicians killed were Mahumapelo and Wolmarans, and said they were offering R10m for the job. The gang member said after they unsuccessfully tried to kill Serongwane at his home in the wee hours of March 28, 2016, he decided to withdraw from the group and told Serongwane about the failed assassination and the people behind it. He said he also deposed a statement to the police about the same details.

The man said that he received a call from Wolmarans on the same day and demanded to meet him at his house in Tlhabane, Rustenburg.
He said he reluctantly agreed to the meeting and it was held on a Sunday. He said he informed the police about the meeting request and they advised him to record their conversation.

Upon arrival at the house, he said he found Wolmarans with his younger brother Shadrack and another man. Wolmarans offered him
R500,000 to withdraw the statement he had made to the police, according to his affidavit.

Some of the gang member’s allegations were also supported by two other witnesses who also filed statements claiming that Mahumapelo might have been behind Bozwana’s death.
One of the witnesses said Bozwana had always told her that the Mahumapelo wanted to kill him because he was undermining his government. Another witness, who also deposed a statement with the police, said Bozwana always told him that Mahumapelo wanted him dead.

Serongwane had this to say; “I’m aware about the confession by one of the gang members who together with other gang members tried to kill me at my house. I was disappointed to discover that the gang member was someone that I knew.

“I obtained his confession from the police through my lawyers, but to this day nobody has been arrested. You are opening old wounds when you talk about this matter.

“He confessed that he was sent by senior politicians in the province. The police must do their job and ensure that those responsible are brought to book.

“I survived through the grace of God. They invaded my home and started shooting at the bedroom, kitchen and sitting room. After the shooting, a police commissioner came to my home to inform me that they had obtained a warrant of arrest for the gang leader but nothing came of it. The man is still walking freely out there.”

Nonyane said, “I used to hear rumours on the streets that I was going to be killed because some senior politicians wanted me dead. I believed the information because at the time, there was a lot of political uncertainties and the the political climate was tense.

“A day before the shooting of Mr Serongwane there were people who were following my car while it was being driven by my nephew but they did not shoot after noticing that it was not me.”

Police Spokesperson Sabata Mokgwabone said, “We can confirm that the said case was opened for investigation and we are investigating a charge of attempted murder. “The suspect is known but we cannot disclose the name.”

By Aubrey Mothombeni


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