Suspected gang-related killing spree continues to haunt Westbury

The killing spree continues in gang-infested Westbury on the west of Johannesburg after a 50-year-old woman was gunned down in full view of residents.

The gruesome killing occurred in broad daylight at shopping retailer Shoprite on Ontdekkers Road. An armed robbery has been ruled out.

Sophiatown police station spokesperson, Captain TJ de Bruyn, said the motive for the shooting is not clear but the police are investigating a link between the shooting and gang violence that continues to haunt Westbury and Eldorado Park.

A voice note, allegedly sent by the victim, has gone viral on WhatsApp, but its authenticity has not been verified. In the voice note, the woman speaks of gang members hanging out outside the shop and waiting for her to come out.

An eyewitness said: “A coloured male drew a firearm and started shooting at the deceased, who was declared dead on the scene by the paramedics of Help 4 EMS.”

No arrest has been made but the police are following up on the leads.

In a separate incident, also in Westbury on Thursday evening, Jonino Robinson was ambushed by unknown assailants.

Police found five cartridges and live bullets on the crime scene.

A resident who chose not to be identified told Sunday World: “I am sure that we will experience more shootings [in the coming days]. It is an eye for an eye. These are revenge killings.”

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