‘Unpaid’ actor threatens to pull plug on show

Seasoned actor Brandon Auret has instructed his lawyers to stop the airing of Pound 4 Pound.

The drama series is currently airing on BET but its actors, including Brandon, claim they have not been paid.  

Sunday World can reveal that Bakwena Productions have been served with a letter of demand.

Actor, Kagiso Modupe and Rashaka Muofhe are the directors of Bakwena productions

Stop the broadcast or pay up

The letter is instructing Bakwena Productions to pay Brandon the full outstanding amount within seven days, failing which the agreement will be cancelled.  

Seven days lapsed on Friday, October 25.

“We further wish to bring to your attention that due to your breach of the agreement, our client’s release on his performance in the production has been halted and therefore any episodes aired are unlawful. We thus further demand of you to cease and desist all episodes to be aired until the matter has been dealt with by settling our client’s outstanding amount due to him,” reads the letter in part.    

On Friday, October 25, Bakwena Productions had not responded to the letter of demand.

Something was fishy from beginning

Brandon said: “I knew something was wrong by the second week of filming. They failed to put money into my account and I informed my agent. When this happened I threatened not to go on set.”

He said that he asked them about the payment and they promised to pay him on the 15 September.

“By the end of September there was still no payment. So I contacted my lawyers and informed them that Bakwena Productions is planning to broadcast the show despite non-payment. Technically the work is still mine because it was not paid for.”  

Now directors are not responding

The series was allegedly shot in 21 days and handed over to the channel. “I think this was intentional, they knew they wouldn’t pay us. As soon as we finished the shoot I asked them about the payment and they started telling us stories,” fumed Brandon.

He said that Kagiso and Rashaka are not responding. “I am livid because they are not responding and I don’t know what’s happening. The next step is to serve them with summons,” said Brandon.

Sunday World reached out to Kagiso and Rashaka but they did not respond.

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