We are ready to fight fire with fire, Cele warns zama zamas

Police Minister Bheki Cele had a strong message for illegal miners when he returned to Riverlea on Friday, telling them that the police are ready to fight fire with fire.

Cele was addressing residents during a visit to monitor the work of police since their deployment on Tuesday.

The minister dispatched various policing units following a protest by community members against crime and illegal mining.

The protest followed the discovery of five bodies of zama zamas who were found killed and dumped next to the main road at the weekend.

“They must come, we are ready for them, toe to toe,” said Cele. 

He did not mince his words, lambasting the residents who assist illegal miners operate in the area, just across the road from their shacks in Zamimpilo informal settlement. 

“You build a new house and rent out the shacks in your yard to illegal foreigners, making it difficult for us to do our job,” he said to those who benefit from zama zamas’ activities.

“Do not do that. We will be doing our operation, but it will not be here forever. We are keeping our operations so that it becomes easier for other departments to do their jobs.”

He emphasized the importance of community members working with the police. 

“It is of great importance that all of us push the same agenda. When I meet the police here, I will make it clear that our children must be safe at school.

“I am aware that there is a primary school and a college nearby the zama zamas.

“Work with us by giving the information and not covering up anything. As a resident, do not accommodate the criminals in your area.

“When the zama zamas are moved away from you, I plead with you to not reinstate a new group in the community.

“We battle to deal with shack dwellers, especially if you as residents are using that for your personal financial gain by renting out places to stay for these zama zamas.”

Cele also instructed police officers to find armed men and confiscate their guns. 

“They use these guns to intimidate people. The residents of Riverlea should feel safe and sleep peacefully, they should not sleep at 6pm because of fear,” he said.

On Thursday, the police said more than 100 people suspected of being involved in illegal mining activities have been arrested since the operation began on Tuesday.


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