‘IEC is now an ANC sub-committee, reversing democracy’ – MKYL

The uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party in KwaZulu-Natal has launched scathing accusations against the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), claiming that the electoral body is overstepping its mandate and serving as a political tool for the ruling ANC.

This comes in the wake of the IEC’s recent move to file an urgent application with the Constitutional Court seeking clarification on Section 47 of the constitution.

The contentious issue arose after the Electoral Court ruled in favour of the MK Party, paving the way for former President Jacob Zuma to contest the upcoming elections.

Zuma candidacy appeal a legal matter, not political

The IEC maintained that its appeal is solely focused on legal clarity rather than political bias. However, the MK Party vehemently disagrees, asserting that the IEC’s actions are indicative of its allegiance to the ANC.

“The Independent Electoral Commission is not an independent body as they proclaim. They are a desk of the ruling party. A tool used to reverse democratic decisions by the court of law,” the MK Party’s Youth League in KZN stated.

Accusing it of siding with what they term “neo-liberal agendas”, the party alleges that the electoral body is actively working to exclude Zuma from the ballot. They claim that the IEC’s appeal  is a clear indication of its collusion with the governing party.

Neo-liberal agenda, white monopoly capital

“The IEC has turned into a sub-committee of the ANC,” the statement said.

“The decision of the con-court is predictable since we know that Zondo is a stooge of the ruling party. He is in the pockets of Cyril Ramaphosa.”

The MK Party further warns of potential repercussions should Zuma be removed from the ballot, hinting at potential unrest. They accuse those attempting to block Zuma’s candidacy of being aligned with “White Monopoly Capital”. It’s a term often used to describe economic inequality in the country.

In a bold assertion of support for Zuma and their party, its Youth League urged citizens to rally behind them. It framed the controversy as a battle against forces seeking to undermine Zuma and his policies.

“The last option the ANC and white monopoly capital [is now trying] destroying President Zuma through media by fabricating lies. The MKYL KZN is resolute in saying that President Zuma has a right to contest, and we shall defeat them for the third time.”

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