Author: Joe Mangaliso Mdhlela

Why the desire to bin Constitution?

Why the desire to bin Constitution?

Acclaimed founding father of the US constitution and its Bill of Rights in the 18th century, and the fourth country’s president, James Madison, wrote: “If angels... Read more.
Beware of false prophets in our midst

Beware of false prophets in our midst

If it is true that religion is the opium of the masses, as Karl Marx described it in his political economy theories of the 19th century, then this might help to... Read more.
Cyril Ramaphosa BBC address

‘Some forces are hellbent to derail the democratic project’

The counter-revolution theme in President Cyril Ramaphosa’s speech to subvert political and economic progress was being brewed in some political quarters, he said... Read more.
Hijacked buildings

Hijacked buildings: our shame in democracy

The spectre of apartheid and its atrocities never escapes us; it lives with us, side by side – even when we have defeated it – it continues to become a dark... Read more.

All our leaders need to embrace Brics

Government and Justice I wonder, not with cynicism but with discerning curiosity of interrogation, what lasting dividends might accrue to us as South Africans, with... Read more.

Church must not ignore any injustices

The church is an important segment of society as are all other faith-based formations. During the difficult days of the liberation struggle and unjust apartheid... Read more.
SA eternally indebted to the youth of 1976 

Changing SA lies in your hands

Soweto/Youth Day, June 16, 2023 has come and gone. Forty-seven years since the police shot and killed 12-year-old Hector Pieterson just outside the Holy Cross Anglican... Read more.
Eusebius McKaiser

Eusebius McKaiser: A voice of reason in the valley of injustice

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. These are the words of an ancient Psalmist. As the country is confronted with... Read more.