Parliament’s debate on army undignified
Shortly after news broke about the death of 14 South African soldiers in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), a cacophony of voices filled the air in this country... Read more.
Let’s support black businesses
Walter Mampane is a soft-spoken and down-to-earth man I met on several occasions at social gatherings. I had a vague idea that he was involved in business but unsure... Read more.
Let’s protect the dignity of Africans
I visited Gorée Island, just off the coast of Senegal, in September 2005. The island was one of the centres created for the departure of Africans who were captured... Read more.
SA has a track record of building rail, why do we need Chinese help now?
Paul Kagame, the president of Rwanda once said: “In Africa, we have everything we need… And yet we remain mentally married to the idea that nothing can get moving... Read more.
Time black people stopped being crybabies at mercy of whiteness
The University of Limpopo celebrated 65 years of its existence this year. Recognising that the South African Students Organisation, which was the foremost proponent... Read more.
Gordhan, Motebe gems worth aping
A few years back I wrote an article in which I was singing the praises of two national institutions that were doing us proud in the midst of chaos, ineptitude, thefts,... Read more.
Let’s hope GNU is not just another band-aid for deep wounds
After an initial hesitation, lots of toing and froing, as the bargaining dance behind closed doors among political parties unfolded, the government of national unity... Read more.
Parties must now work together to correct mistakes of past 30 years
Some of us who were in the liberation struggle are often startled when a few people in our country say things were better under the settler-colonial dispensation... Read more.
Illegality breeds more illegalities that bring tragedies
It has been observed internationally that, more often than not, drivers involved in accidents would have committed a traffic offence of one description or another... Read more.
Palestinians given food, then bombed at night
Palestinians given food, then bombed at night The United States gives the Israelis tons of weapons, billions of dollars in aid and block every attempt at the UN... Read more.