Unscrupulous landlords demand sex from students
Muggings and landlords asking for sex in return for accommodation are some of the hardships faced by scores of students due to delays by the National Student... Read more.
He is gone and we will heal in time – soldier’s family
Lance bombardier Itumeleng Macdonald Moreo was planning to complete the house he was building for his mother and family in Mahikeng upon his return from deployment... Read more.
Bafana-Lesotho game at Peter Mokaba to boost Limpopo economy
After almost a decade without hosting an international event, the New Peter Mokaba Stadium in Polokwane will come alive when Bafana Bafana welcomes Lesotho for their... Read more.
MPL in hot water over academic fraud claims
A member of the Limpopo provincial legislature and ANC cadre Che Selane has gone back on his claims that some of the senior party leaders in the province bought... Read more.
Slain troops’ spirits must be collected from DRC – expert
A leading cultural expert has warned that families of the 14 SANDF soldiers who were killed in combat in the DRC should expedite the process of repatriating their... Read more.
At last, a much-needed victory for Magesi FC
Seshego stadium came alive during its official reopening on Saturday afternoon. And Magesi FC wasted little time in registering an emphatic 2-0 victory over an equally... Read more.
Fallen heroes’ families say they need closure
The families of South African soldiers who perished in the ongoing war in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are impatiently waiting for the repatriation of... Read more.
Municipality talks tough after rise in land invasions in Polokwane
Illegal land invaders have been warned by the Polokwane municipality in Limpopo that they will be subjected to the full force of the law. The outskirts of Seshego,... Read more.
Distraught Limpopo family mourns young soldier killed in DRC
The death of a peace-loving soldier has left the close-knit community of Marareleng in the Sekororo area of Limpopo shell-shocked. Louis Moagi (28) was one of the... Read more.
Softball tournament honours Monk’s legacy
The crème de la cream of South African softball will trade bats at the annual Gordon Monk Softball Tournament that gets underway at the Red Sox Ballpark in Kempton... Read more.