Free State social development MEC Mamiki Qabathe tests positive for Covid-19

Johannesburg – Free State MEC for Social Development Mamiki Qabathe, has tested positive for Covid-19, the provincial government confirmed in a statement.

According to spokesperson Thembile Nqabeni, Qabathe has been involved in 16 Days of Activism campaigns over the past few weeks.

“Qabathe received the results of her Covid-19 on Tuesday, which were confirmed positive,” said Nqabeni.

“She is recovering at home and will continue carrying out her duties without any disruptions,” Nqabeni added.

Nqabeni said MEC Qabathe calls on all citizens to take this virus seriously and to follow preventive protocols at all times by wearing masks, washing and sanitizing hands, and keeping social distance.

As she is isolating at home, Qabathe urged citizens to vaccinate, as she reiterated, “vaccination remains the best protection against severe illness and hospitalisation.”

Qabathe’s confirmed positive case of Covid-19, follows days after President Cyril Ramaphosa tested positive for the virus on Sunday.

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