IEC hands over list of designated MPs to Chief Justice Ray Zondo

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) has handed over the list of the designated members of the National Assembly and provincial legislature to Chief Justice Raymond Zondo. The handing over was done on Thursday.
IEC chairperson Mosotho Moepya made the handover in preparation for the first sittings of the respective legislative houses. These are expected to take place in 14 days.
The media briefing took place at the Constitutional Court in Braamfontein, Johannesburg.
Zondo handed over the list, which consists of 174 women and 226 men, to Xolile George, the secretary to parliament.
“Allow me to express my sincere appreciation to Chief Justice Raymond Zondo. Your steadfast leadership and unwavering commitment have ensured the swift and timely handover of the list,” said George.
Designated judge presidents in all nine provinces
Zondo said he has already designated judge presidents in all nine provinces. They are to preside over the first sittings of provincial legislatures.
“Today marks an important milestone in our constitutional democracy. We started off with the elections on the 29th of May. Thereafter the IEC announced the results. And today is the handover of the names of the designated candidates,” said Zondo.
Zondo added that he will announce the date for the first sitting of parliament in due course.
“In terms of the constitution, the Chief Justice must make rules which will apply when the first sitting of parliament takes place. The speaker and deputy speaker of parliament is elected, as well as the president. Those rules will also apply to provincial legislators. The judiciary will play its role to make sure things run as smoothly as possible.”

The handing over of the list took place following a bruising general election result that saw the governing ANC lose its outright majority in the national parliament. It also secured a reduced number of parliamentary seats.

Loss of seats in parliament

This will see a large number of the party’s members of parliament being expected not to return to the house. They include Phatekile Holomisa, Thabang Makwetla, Zolani Mkhiva, Lindiwe Zulu and Dipuo Peters.

Meanwhile, a group of ANC members has taken its protest to the venue of the National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting. They are opposed to the party forming a coalition government with the DA. 

The ANC NEC is currently meeting at the Birchwood Hotel and Conferencing Centre in Boksburg, east of Johannesburg. The are meeting to discuss a way forward after the general elections last week.

President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to address the media this evening on the outcome of the crucial meeting.


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