Jacob Zuma car crash: MK Party suspects foul play

The newly formed uMkhonto weSizwe Party (MKP), headed by former president Jacob Zuma, has  claimed foul play in the accident that he was involved in on Thursday afternoon. The party claims that there were attempts to harm Zuma before the elections.

MKP suspects foul play

“We don’t think this was pure vehicle collision. There is something sinister and we suspect foul play. There were people who made unsavoury words against Msholozi. They were saying he will be in hospital during elections,” charged Musawenkosi Mkhize, MK party head of organising in KwaZulu-Natal.

The accident also happens at a time when Zuma had been dealt a heavy blow after the IEC barred him from being a candidate for the MK Party. Zuma has a prison record hanging over his head, which prohibits him to stand for elections.

He obtained the record after being arrested for contempt. This after he refused to testify in the commission probing allegations of state capture, chaired by Chief justice Raymond Zondo.

This paper reported earlier today that the country’s former president was said to be “well and good, and in a safe space” after surviving a car accident last night. 
Speaking to SABC News on Friday, head of elections for Zuma’s newly formed party — uMkhonto weSizwe Party (MKP) — KwaZulu-Natal, Musa Mkhize, said Zuma was travelling from Nkandla to eShowe in KwaZulu-Natal on Thursday night to campaign for the party when the accident happened.
No injuries, Zuma ‘well and safe’ 
Mkhize said Zuma and his protectors did not sustain any injuries. 
He said Zuma is “well and good, and in a safe space” after the accident. 
Similarly, national police spokesperson Brig Athlenda Mathe said police have arrested a 51-year-old man for drunken driving and reckless and negligent driving. The man’s motor vehicle collided with Zuma’s official armoured state vehicle. 
“At the time of the collision, former president Jacob Zuma was in the vehicle with his protectors. No one was injured, including members of the Presidential Protection Services(PPS). The former president was evacuated and taken to his residence,” said Mathe. 
Man arrested for drunken, reckless driving
She said the accident happened on the R66 on Thursday, March 28 2024 at about 6.40pm. 
Mathe said the man arrested is detained and is expected to appear before the Eshowe magistrate’s court on Tuesday. 
Meanwhile, yesterday on Thursday, the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) said it upheld an objection against Zuma. This prevents him from being a member of parliament in the National Assembly after the May 29 national and provincial elections. 
Zuma appears as number one on the MKP national list submitted to the IEC. 
Criminal record back to haunt ex-president
Zuma is not eligible to be an MP  because he has a criminal record. 
The criminal record stems from a 15-month jail conviction that Zuma was given by the Constitutional Court in 2021. This was for failing to honour a summons to appear and give testimony before the judicial commission of inquiry. The inquiry was related to allegations of state capture (the Zondo Commission). 
On Monday the Electoral Court dismissed the ANC’s application to declare the registration of MKP as a political party with the IEC invalid and unlawful.


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