Police committee chairperson condemns alleged rape by officer and calls for prosecution

Johannesburg – The Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Police, Tina Joemat-Pettersson, has condemned the alleged rape of a suspected shoplifter by a police constable based in Nyanga, Western Cape, and have called for the prosecution of the alleged rapist.

The suspected shoplifter claims he was raped by the cop who arrested him after being accused of shoplifting at a Jet store in the Junction Mall in Nyanga on Thursday, instead of being jailed was raped and then released.

A case of rape was opened against the officer and the chairperson has in the meantime welcomed the arrest of the suspect.

“The relationship between the South African Police Service (SAPS) and the community at large is harmed by such abuses of power by some rotten elements within SAPS. We, therefore, believe that the suspect must be prosecuted to set an example to other police officers inclined to perpetrate such heinous acts,” said Joemat-Pettersson.

Furthermore, the chairperson has welcomed the constable’s prompt suspension, which is set to enable a thorough internal disciplinary process.

“While we don’t want to influence the internal process in any way, the committee has since its inception spoken strongly against the abuse of power and authority by the very people that are supposed to enforce the law. The police members are not the law. They must enforce the law and are also subject to the law. We maintain that the SAPS must do all it can to rid the service of such criminals to regain the credibility of the service,” the chairperson concluded.

Henceforth, the committee says it will continue to focus its oversight on the maintenance of discipline within the SAPS.

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