Visit to Höerskool Jan Viljoen leaves Lesufi disappointed

Gauteng education MEC Panyaza Lesufi returned to Höerskool Jan Viljoen in Randfontein this week to check on the progress made following allegations of racism and sexual harassment that rocked the Randfontein school in February.

Lesufi said his visit left him disappointed instead.

“Today, I went back to Jan Viljoen Höerskool to check. I am disappointed that 50 learners were removed from the school by their parents,” said Lesufi, adding that his department will continue to monitor the situation at the school.

The school governing body has since suspended a teacher who was implicated in sexual harassment allegations.

When he first visited the school following clashes between white and black pupils last month, Lesufi said he would escalate the matter to the police and the SA Human Rights Commission to investigate.

The clashes between the pupils were believed to have been racially motivated.

Violence erupted again last month between the parents of the learners prior to their meeting with the MEC.

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