IFP topples MK and ANC to win crucial ward in KwaZulu-Natal

The IFP’s impressive run in the back-to-back by-elections continued on Wednesday. The party, which was once on the verge of political demise, won another ward in Newcastle KwaZulu-Natal far midlands.

It was highly expected that the political newcomer uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party will leverage on its May elections success. The former President Jacob Zuma-led party was expected to cause an upset in the by elections.

However, it wasn’t to be, with the IFP again calling the shots. Ward 28 was previously governed by Team Sugar South Africa (TSSA). TSSA has recently been besieged by crippling internal squabbles.

IFP claimed 852 votes, the highest vote count

The ward became vacant when party president Musa Thwala was removed as ward councilor. This after four TSSA councillors conspired to have him removed.

During the hotly contested by election, the IFP claimed 852 votes, the MK 613, ANC 283 and TSSA 355.

The party has been on an upward trajectory with each and every ward it contest. It currently leads the KwaZulu-Natal government of provincial unity. In a space of less two months, the party has won five new wards.

Inkosi Ntandoyenkosi Shabalala explained the party’s strategy. He said the party had been focusing on the basic service delivery issues affecting communities. He was speaking on behalf of the IFP on the release of election results on Thursday.

“The message we have been communicating has been clear. That people must give the IFP a chance, and that is what they have been doing. People are no longer voting on sentimental ground.  They want politicians who talk and do.

Party focused on service delivery

“The IFP has been doing that. In all the municipalities we are governing, they see visible change,” said Shabalala. He is also the mayor of uThukela district municipality.
The ward won by the late Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi-founded party is under the Madadeni township E section.

During the May 2024 provincial and national elections, the MK Party became the biggest winner in the ward. It won close to 60% of the votes. The ANC came crushing down, only managing 12%, from the 59% the party had recorded in the 2019 national elections. IFP scored 21%, an increase of 2% from previous elections.

The EFF were the biggest losers. Its support plummeted from 19% to a dismal 5% during the recent elections.

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