NEHAWU takes ANC to labour court over non-payment of salaries

Johannesburg – The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union (Nehawu) has filed an application in the labour court dragging the African National Congress (ANC) over unpaid salaries to its staff.

In a statement, NEHAWU accused the ruling party of deliberately failing to honour its financial obligations to the staff since October last year.

According to the union, the ANC had deliberately failed and elected not to honour its contractual obligations since October 2021, and made workers go through the December festive season without salaries while the party continued “cutting cakes” during its birthday celebrations on January 8.

The ANC claims it is not paying its staff due to a shortage of funding and is currently contemplating retrenchments.

On Tuesday, ANC spokesperson Pule Mabe said cutting down on employees is part of the organisation’s redesign plan.

In the meantime, the Luthuli House staffers are currently on an indefinite stay away until their outstanding salaries are paid in full.

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