Thank you for using our online application system for 2024 grade 1 & 8 learners

The Gauteng Department of Education’s (GDE) much-lauded Admissions Application Online System has yet again proven its efficiency with more than 720 000 Grade 1 and Grade 8 applications successfully submitted within the prescribed period 15 June and 21 July 2023. I would like to thank those parents and guardians who took time to ensure that they play their part in ensuring that they apply on time. By Thursday 20 July 2023, our system had recorded 310 994 Grade 1 and no less than 413 208 Grade 8 applications, bringing the total applications to 724 202.

What makes us happy is that of all those applications, no parent or guardian had to stand in unsafe, long queues outside any school to ensure their children’s application was successfully submitted. The system has ensured that we level the playing fields and give all qualifying applicant a fair shot at getting access to a school of their preference.


Well, those who have successfully submitted their applications on 21 July 2023 have seven days to provide all required documents by 12:00 noon on 28 July 2023. All Applicants who have not submitted or uploaded their documents by 28 July 2023 will have their applications considered as incomplete and will forfeit the opportunity of receiving placement once the placement period begins.


Proof of Home Address is the most important document when submitting an application. Placement is confirmed on whether the school could verify the details of the Proof of Home Address, which should have the information that correlates with the details entered on the system. It is critical that applicants to refrain from submitting fraudulent documents as schools have systems to verify such. Furthermore, failure to submit proof of residence, submission of falsified proof of residence and falsified proof of work address, where applicable, will result in the applicant forfeiting the right to preferential placement at a school.


Certified copies, not older than three months, of the following documents are required:

  • Copy of Child’s Birth Certificate;
  • Proof of the parent’s / guardian’s residential or work address;
  • Immunisation Card for Grade 1;
  • Latest Report Card;
  • Parents’ / Guardian’s copy of Identity Document;
  • Study Permit for legal immigrants; and
  • Proof of legal guardianship if not a biological parent.


Once all the required documents are submitted, the GDE then starts to verify them. The system will prompt schools to verify and update document status whether uploaded online or submitted physically. SMS notifications will be sent to parents to acknowledge submission and verification of documents. Thereafter, the system will generate a report indicating the number of unverified documents per school on the School, District and Provincial Dashboard.

After all documents have been verified, an application is considered as complete and eligible for placement. Applicants who have not submitted / uploaded certified proof of residence will not receive placement offers.


Upon successful completion of an application online, and once all documents have been verified, applicants must wait to receive placement offers. The placement period will start on 4 September 2023, where placement offers will be sent out to parents and guardians with complete applications via SMS. It must be noted that we will not be in a position to issue SMSes to all parents on the announced date (4 September), hence we will continue sending placement offers until all learners have been placed.

Parents must accept or reject an offer of placement made by the school in writing and, in case of a dispute, lodge an objection application with the district against the school’s refusal to admit the child.

It is important for parents / guardians to remember that ALL placement is subject to the priority of placement criteria and availability of space (capacity) per school. Accordingly, applicants that cannot be accommodated at the schools they applied to due to the schools having reached capacity, will receive transfer offers of placement at the next closest school with available space. Transfer offers are made only after confirmation that none of the schools which a parent applied to has available space.


We understand that high-pressure schools may experience significant demand, making this a challenging period. We, therefore, kindly request patience and understanding from applicants as we work diligently to place all learners.

  • Matome Chiloane is Gauteng Member of the Executive Committee for Education and Youth Development

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