Author: Sandile Motha



South Africa must brace for war if Zuma is sent back to prison – Cebekhulu

If former president Jacob Zuma were to be thrown back in prison, as was the case nearly two years ago, South Africa would have to brace itself for “war”. This... Read more.
Police intelligence services unleashed

Police intelligence services unleashed to track down arsonists

Police intelligence services have been unleashed to track down the masterminds behind the burning of trucks which has engulfed the country. “We will go after... Read more.

King Cetshwayo mayor lashes out at lazy municipal workers

Loafing and laziness in municipalities will be a thing of the past if Thamsanqa Ntuli, chairperson of SA Local Government Association in KwaZulu-Natal, has his way.... Read more.

IFP, ANC at each other’s throats following councillor’s murder

The assassination of IFP councillor under the uMkhanyakude district municipality has degenerated into insults between the traditional political foes. Innocent “Killer”... Read more.

Tender corruption sinks Phake’s water project

The department of water and sanitation must be hauled over the coals for the failed R18-million water project, which residents claimed was riddled with corruption,... Read more.
State bank
News, Politics

SARB reform to pave way for state bank – Cosatu

The umpteenth call by the largest labour federation for the creation of a state bank will come to nothing unless sweeping governance changes are made to the South... Read more.
Implats mine deaths

New Melmoth mine not welcomed by all stakeholders

A plan to establish an iron-ore mine in the foothills of Melmoth and eShowe in KwaZulu-Natal is now in motion after screeching to standstill about nine years ago.... Read more.