Police official accused of raping teen boy denied bail

A police official accused of raping a 15-year-old boy was denied bail by the Pretoria North magistrate’s court on Monday.

The 38-year-old accused, Sergeant Elvis Hlungwani Mihloti, who is stationed at the rapid railway response unit of the SA Police Service, is alleged to have taken the minor to various taverns in Soshanguve before raping him on October 7.

National Prosecuting of Authority spokesperson Lumka Mahanjana explained: “While the minor was with his friends, Mihloti allegedly took and drove with the child to different taverns and later went to Vicks tavern in Soshanguve. While at the tavern drinking, it is alleged that Mihloti asked the boy to accompany him to check if his car was still parked.

“When they arrived at his car, the boy passed out and when he regained consciousness in the wee hours of the morning, he found himself in Mihloti’s bed being raped by him.

“He then instructed him to get dressed and promised to drop him off at home. On their way to the victim’s home, Mihloti stopped on the M17, pulled the boy out of the car and drove off.”

The teenager was taken to the hospital by his uncle who had confided in a neighbour, who is said to be a close friend of the accused. They later reported the matter to the police.

“The police reported the matter to the independent police investigative directorate (IPID) on 14 October 2022. Mihloti was arrested by IPID the same day in some hospital after he voluntarily booked himself at a wellness ward.

“In court, he asked to be released on R1 000 bail due to his ill-health. However, the prosecutor, Nkhagweleni Phanuel Madavhi, opposed his bail application.

“He told the court that the accused is facing a serious offence and that releasing him on bail would undermine the campaigns of GBV against women and children. The magistrate agreed with the state and said the accused did not put unexceptional circumstances before court to warrant his release on bail,” said Mahanjana.

The matter was postponed to December 7.

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